Tuesday, April 17, 2012

SpicyJokes.com - Funny Everyday jokes

SpicyJokes.com - Your Daily Joke
The Spicy Joke of The Day
Doctors Jokes :: #14937
By from Unknown

A man goes to the doctor's and says, "I would I like to get castrated". The doctor tries to convince him but the man won't listen. All he keeps on saying is, "I want to get castrated! I want to get castrated! I want to get castrated!" The doctor says; "your life will be changed after this operation. Do you still want to go ahead?" Man: "yes!"

After a few hours the man is walking in the hospital with a stick in his hand and legs apart he meets another man walking the same way. First man: "so even you got the operation done?" second man: "yeah after 37 years of my life I felt that it would be much better to get circumcised", first man: "Shit. That's the word!"

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The Tip of The Day from WisdomTips.com
Fitness :: #762
By Alicia from USA.

Getting Kids to Exercise
One of the culprits responsible for the increase in the number of overweight youngsters is a lack of exercise. Here are some tips from fitness expert Dr. Kenneth Cooper and the National Association for Sport and Physical Education on how to get your children moving.

- Offer rewards for exercising, such as tokens they can save to attend a sporting event or theme park.

- Have a "toy run" by hiding small, inexpensive toys along a neighborhood route. Walk or run with your child to pick up the prizes.

- Watch events on TV or movies with a sports theme, such as "The Karate Kid: or "The Rookie," and then try to engage the kids in such an activity.

- Walk or ride a bike with your kids while doing errands.

- Plan birthday parties around a sports theme, such as bowling, miniature golf, or skating.

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