Thursday, April 26, 2012 - Funny Everyday jokes - Your Daily Joke
The Spicy Joke of The Day
Body Parts :: #759
By Dianne Renken from Lake City FL United States Minor Outlying Islands

Little Johnny runs into the bathroom just as his mother is stepping out of the shower and curiously points to her triangle of hair and asks: "Mommy what's that?"

somewhat flustered she quickly replies: "Well dear that is my sponge." Content with her answer off he goes...Later he runs into the livingroom and asks "Mommy may I play with your sponge?" again his mother is flustered and quickly states "Why, no you may not, I lost it." O.K. this pacifies him and back out to play. Later Johnny races into the kitchen yelling "Mommy I found the sponge, I found the sponge." Confused the mother asks "You did and where did you find it?"

Johnny proudly stated "The maid is got it and she is washing Daddy's face with it."

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The Tip of The Day from
One-Liners :: #1021
By Sandra from USA.

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