Monday, June 25, 2012

Aha! Jokes Laughing Gas Newsletter for June 25th

Aha!Jokes Laughing Gas Newsletter for Jun. 25, 2012!
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Chess Playing Dog

A man went to visit a friend and was amazed to find him playing chess with his dog. He watched the game in astonishment for a while. "I can hardly believe my eyes!" he exclaimed. "That's the smartest dog I've ever seen."

"Nah, he's not so smart," the friend replied. "I've beaten him three games out of five."

Crazy Laws - Hawaii

Coins are not allowed to be placed in one's ears.

All residents may be fined as a result of not owning a boat.

In Honolulu, within the limits of any public park, it is unlawful to annoy any bird

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