Friday, June 1, 2012

Amercia the Beautiful

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Comedy Central's InDecision
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Words Are Hard
You've probably heard about Mitt Romney's new app that contains the slogan "A Better Amercia." You only heard about it because of that hilarious typo--if Mitt Romney's app developer had used spellcheck, none of us would be talking about this thing. Related, did you know Indecision has an app? We do! The Indecision Election Companion for iPhone and iPad is free, and it's got exclusive daily photo galleries, a cool interactive TV-watching widget we call the Peanut Gallery (more on that below), and all the blog you can handle. Get it now and see if you catch any typos. You probably will.

-Mary (@maryps)

Let's Watch TV Together
Last week Cory Booker made headlines when he attacked President Obama on "Meet the Press" - oof, more like meet the mess! Who knows what'll happen this week? Grab the free app and join us Sunday 6/2 for our interactive political TV liveblog-o-ganza.
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Eavesdropping on Obama
I would tell you how we got this transcript of the president's call to Mitt Romney, but then I'd have to kill you.
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Gone to the Corn Palace, BRB
So we wrote about this town in South Dakota that has a Corn Palace, and then the Corn Palace found us via Facebook, and now we're all invited to the Corn Palace. The internet is the best.
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Adventures in Spelling
Listen up, Amercia. We've gathered 10 great moments in political misspelling.
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