Monday, December 10, 2012 - Funny Everyday jokes - Your Daily Joke
The Spicy Joke of The Day
Police Jokes :: #1415
By Jarno Hovi from Finland

A guy gets pulled over for speeding 88 MPH in a 45

zone. The cop asks for his drivers license and the guy

says, "I'm sorry officer, but my license was suspended

after my 5th DUI."

The cop asks for his registration and the guy says,

"It's in the glove compartment, but it's not in my name

because I stole this car in a car jacking and I killed

the woman that owns the car and stuffed her in the

trunk and the gun I used is in the glove compartment.

At this point the cop tells the guy to keep his hands

in sight and he radios for back-up.

When a supervisor shows up, the cop tells him the story

and he walks up to the guy in the car. The supervisor

asks to see the guy's drivers license and the guy hands

it over and it is valid with the guys real name and


The supervisor asks for the registration and the guy

says, "It's in the Glove compartment." The supervisor

tells the guy to keep his hands in sight and walks

around to the passenger side and opens the glove

compartment. There is the registration in the guys

name and everything seems in order.

Next the supervisor asks the guy to get out and open

the trunk. The guy opens the trunk and the only thing

there is a spare tire.

At this point the supervisor tells the guy what the

other cop had told him. The guy says "I'll bet that

lying S.O.B. told you I was speeding too!"

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The Tip of The Day from
Weight Control :: #1757
By Joey from USA.

The Only Diet That Really Works
Other than keeping your mouth shut, this diet really works; at least it has worked for me. Before I found out that I was possibly a diabetic, I went to the library to check out how a diabetic ate. One of the secrets is to eat every 2 hrs. whether you are hungry or not. Something small. You get in the habit of doing this and in no time your stomach shrinks and you can't eat as much. therefore you lose weight. Cut down on your carbs and sugar. Also, walk for exercise at a fast pace; eat asparagus, string beans and chicken breast seasoned with Mrs. Dash and Pam. I have lost 50 lbs. and feel great. Fruit is good for you but don't eat a lot of it because it is high in natural sugar. -
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