Saturday, December 15, 2012 - Funny Everyday jokes - Your Daily Joke
The Spicy Joke of The Day
Bar & Drinking Jokes :: #947
By Brad Tobey from AR USA.

A man walks into a bar and asks the bartender for 10 shots of tequila. The bartender serves him his drinks and watches as the man drinks the first shot, spits it out and says "man that boy sure can drive!" the man continues to do this with the other 9 shots repeating over and over "man that boy sure can drive!" the bartender, getting a little pissed that the man was wasting his drinks, ask the man why he is spitting all his tequila on the floor. The man replies."Well my friend and me were driving down this little 2-lane road. We were going about 50 mph and we look behind us and there is a big ass semi coming behind us at like 80 mph. and I turned to my friend, who was driving, and said. Man if you can get us out of this one I will suck your dick."

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The Tip of The Day from
Love & Dating :: #4041
By Cenk Butunley from London United Kingdom

Online Dating Safety Tips
Here are some online and offline dating tips for:

Online dating

1. Do not include any personal information in your profile. Reputable dating sites have a privacy policy so that their members can be part of a safe online dating environment and any personal information given will not be revealed to others.

2. Take your time getting to know someone online before giving any personal information about yourself and before arranging to meet.

3. Don't lie in your profile or upload a fake photograph. Do you want to meet someone who is faking his/her identity or photo?

4. It is a good idea to set up a free email account like yahoo. This way you do not have to use your main personal email address in the event that you no longer wish to have contact with a member.

5. Be careful if you think a member is lying to you. Beware of someone who pressures you for anything including personal details or an early date.

6. If someone is making you feel uncomfortable stop messaging him/her. Reputable dating sites provide features for you to report inappropriate messaging or even blocking these users.

Offline dating

1. If you would like to meet someone "offline" only reveal minimal information to begin with. Start with your email address and then maybe your mobile. As email and even phone number can be changed easily if necessary.

2. If you call another member use the "block my number" feature to prevent your number appearing on his/her phone.

3. If you arrange to meet someone, always make sure the meeting point is in a public place and preferably in daylight for the first meeting. Always let someone else know who you are going to meet, where you are going and what time you should be back home.

4. If you're drinking alcohol, don't drink too much and never leave your drink unattended.

5. Finally, be sensible and trust your instincts – they are usually right! -
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