Tuesday, December 15, 2009

No Idea

No Idea

Big brother was getting all dolled up for a night on the town. Little
brother asked if he could go along, too. Naturally, Big Brother told him

Little brother had his heart set on going out with Big brother, and he
was almost ready to cry when told he couldn't go along - until he came
up with the idea of hiding in the back of Big brother's car.

Pretty soon, Big brother was behind the wheel and heading down the
road. Soon he stopped the car and Little brother heard him ask, "Hi,
Sweetie, 'want a ride?" A woman's voice answered, "Sure!".

Big brother told her to 'hop in' and the car moved again. When it
stopped, Big brother said, "Will ya'?". The woman snapped, "No!" - and
was told, "So get out and walk!" The car door slammed and they were
moving again.

This happened several times - and Little brother got bored by it all -
besides, it was past his bedtime, and he fell asleep. The next day,
Little brother got out his little red wagon and went off down the
street. When he met a little girl, he stopped and asked, "Hi, Veetie -
Wanna wide?" The little girl said, "Sure", and Little brother invited
her to 'hop in'. After a few minutes, he asked, "Will ya'?, and when she
replied, "No!", he told her to 'get out and walk'.

As he walked down the street, Little brother met another little girl -
and again he asked, "Hi Veetie - wanna wide?" When she accepted the
offer, he invited her to 'hop in'. In a few minutes, Little brother
stopped to ask his passenger, "Will ya'?" - to which she replied, "You
bet!" Poor little brother scratched his head and said, "Ohmegosh - now
what I do?"

;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)
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