| |  Men Vs. Women Jokes :: #5101 By ~*^*~AnOnYmOuS AnGeL~*^*~ from Edmonton Alberta Canada Three men wanted to cross a river. They had no idea how to cross it, so one man knelt down on his knees and prayed "Lord give me the power and strength the cross the river." suddenly the man became very strong and swam across the river. The next man thought: if it worked for him, it'll work for me. So he knelt down and prayed "Lord give the skills and the strength to cross the river." the man built a canoe and rowed himself across the river. The last man thought: if it worked for both of them, I know it'll work for me. So he also knelt down and prayed "Lord give me the wisdom and knowledge to cross the river." He turned into a woman and walked across the bridge. Forward this joke to your friends >> | | |  Relationships :: #184 By Kim Davidson from Halifax Canada Break the cycle A few techniques to break the cycle of anger in a relationship consist of doing something out of character. An example would be to intentionally slow down the process by going for a walk by yourself. Try moving your body or give yourself some space. If needed, take a weird or unreasonable action; laugh where you would usually cry or swear, and most important try to imagine a peaceful scenario. The most important is to try to do something out of character at the precise time that the anger breaks out. Do this routine every time the situation arises. | | | | aJokeADay.com - www.ajokeaday.com 999 E Touhy Ave, Des Plaines, IL 60018 1995-2011 © All rights reserved. Unsubscribe from aJokeADay.com sent to dailyjokes@inspiredgfx.com | | | |
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