Saturday, May 26, 2012 - Funny Everyday jokes - Your Daily Joke
The Spicy Joke of The Day
Sex Jokes :: #2221
By john zacharias from USA.

A little boy had a homework assignment to compare theory and reality. The boy asked his father what the difference was between theory and reality. His father told him to ask his mother if she would give the mailman a blowjob for a million dollars. The boy asks his mother and she says she would. The boy tells his father she would give the mailman a blowjob for a million dollars. The father then tells the boy to ask his sister if she would give the mailman a blowjob for a million dollars. The boy asks his sister and she to says she would give the mailman a blowjob for a million dollars. The boy goes and tells his father both his mom and his sister would give the mailman a blowjob for a million dollars. "Well, in theory we're multimillionaires, but in reality we live with two cocksuckers" replies the father.

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The Tip of The Day from
Health :: #1900
By Joey from USA.

You Wont Believe It Unless You try It. I Guarantee It.
Years ago, I fractured my ribs. If this has ever happened to you, the pain is so severe that if someone walks near you, you will actually scream. I had to go on disability and take pain medication that did not help. My good friend told me to boil some comfrey plants chopped up and strained and while still hot take a rag and dip into the hot solution and apply to the hurt. Within 1 day my hurt was almost completely gone. Just recently I took some Comfrey to one of my coworkers because her back was hurting so bad and she tried it and couldn't thank me enough, don't ever turn your nose up at anything unless you have given it a try. I know that your body is going to say, why didn't you do this before. -
999 E Touhy Ave, Des Plaines, IL 60018

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