Thursday, February 25, 2016

Joke of the day - Student Dormitories

Bunny and his Girlfriend - 2nd place won $25

What did the bunny give his girlfriend when he asked her to marry him?

A 13-carrot ring!

Submitted by Leogal

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Student Dormitories - 1st place won $50

On the first day of college, the Dean addressed the students:

"The female dormitory is out-of-bounds for all male students, and the male dormitory is to the female students. Anyone caught breaking this rule will be fined $20 the first time. Second violation will be a $60 fine. Third time will cost you a fine of $180. Are there any questions?"

A male student inquired, "How much for a season pass?"

Submitted by Veronica Sehnaz

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The Tip of The Day from

Think Big #5855

T alent: Our Creator has endowed all of us not just with the ability to sing, dance or throw a ball, but with intellectual talent. Start getting in touch with that part of you that is intellectual and develop that; and think of careers that will allow you to use that.
H onesty: If you lead a clean and honest life, you don't put skeletons in the closet. If you put skeletons in the closet, they definitely will come back just when you don't want to see them and ruin your life.
I nsight: It comes from people who have already gone where you're trying to go. Learn from their triumphs and their mistakes.
N ice: If you're nice to people, then once they get over the suspicion of why you're being nice, they will be nice to you.
K nowledge: It makes you into a more valuable person. The more knowledge you have, the more people need you. It's an interesting phenomenon, but when people need you, they pay you, so you'll be okay in life.

B ooks: They are the mechanism for obtaining knowledge, as opposed to television.
I n-Depth Learning: Learn for the sake of knowledge and understanding, rather than for the sake of impressing people or taking a test.
G od: Never get too big for Him.
From the book “Think Big” By Dr Den Carson

A Second Chance
To be happy, drop the words “if only” and substitute instead the words “next time”

- Stanley Blanton, M.D.-



1st - $50
2nd - $25
3rd - $15

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