Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Car

The Car

A blonde and a brunette were talking, and the blonde was very stressed.
The brunette asked her what was the matter. The blonde proceeded to
tell her that she really needed to sell her car, but no one would buy
because it has 100,000 miles on it.

The brunette said to her, "I know a way that will help you sell it. I
have a friend who can help you, but it's illegal."

The blonde said, " I'll do anything." So the brunette gave the blonde
the phone number of a guy who could turn back the odometer on her car. A
week later the blonde and the brunette crossed paths, and the brunette
asked the blonde if she had sold her car yet.

The blonde said, "Why would I sell a car with only 50,000 miles on

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